Capacity Building of University Students

Al-Maqdese and Birzeit University / Faculty of Law and Public Administration graduated more than 50 students and students from various disciplines of the college, in the presence of the Vice President for Academic Affairs , Dr. Henry Giacaman , and Dean of the Faculty of Law and Public Administration , Dr. Asim Khalil , the chairman of the supervisory institution Conclave , Mr. Taher Nimri , and the presence of al-Maqdisi staff and heads of departments and divisions in college.
Under the memorandum of understanding signed between the two parties in order to promote the level of college students and provide them with the most important skills and professional knowledge required in addition to the testimony of scientific and complement their working lives in the future , concluded Foundation Maqdisi two training sessions for the students of the Faculty of Law and Public Administration at the University of Birzeit by 10 hours of training per cycle in an objective administration and strategic planning and training of trainers , where focused exercises on the skills of strategic planning and the preparation of strategic plans and how to formulate a vision and message and objectives and the process of analysis of internal and external institutions , and as for the training of trainers course was to focus on how to prepare training packages and how to deal with trainees and identify their needs in terms of training .
Which culminated in the ceremony graduation of students participating in the session and the distribution of certificates to them, and also praised Dr. Henry Giacaman and Dr. Asim Khalil to the role that their Conclave in the training of college students and provide them with the skills and expertise necessary in their working lives , and Prof. Taher Nimri turn thanking Dr. Asim Khalil and heads circles on their important role in the success of this training and preparation for future sessions , and as concluded by congratulating the graduates and wished them further progress and success in their academic and professional and practical .