5th International Exhibition Africities: The African regional and local governments’ response to the global crisis: promoting sustainable local development and employment

Every three years, the CITEXPO exhibition takes place jointly to the AFRICITIES Summit, the unique meeting of the African local governments and the international community. After the success of previous events in the Ivory Coast, Namibia, Cameroon, and Kenya, where 115 exhibitors from 24 nationalities met 4,000 visitors from 53 Africanountries, this Moroccan edition will gather 5000 delegates in Marrakech. During five days, CITEXPO offers practical solutions to the needs of cities and local governments, acting as a showcase of products, services, investment, expertise and best practices. It is the perfect place to build relationships with African political and international business leaders for organisations and companies from 15 vertical sectors:

▪ Auditing, Consulting                       ▪ Environment, Waste                       ▪ Publishing, communication

▪ Building, Infrastructures                  ▪ Financing, Investment                    ▪ Security

▪ Culture, Tourism                            ▪ Food, Agriculture                           ▪ Transport, Highways

▪ Education, Training                        ▪ Health, Social                                ▪ Urban planning

▪ Energy                                          ▪ ICT                                               ▪ Water, Purification

Exhibiting at CITEXPO is offering immediate and practical solutions to the needs of African cities and local governments, meeting face-to-face with thousands of the most influential African elected leaders and international decision-makers. The diversity of represented sectors, the pan African character and political dimension of the event offer exhibitors a very competitive context to conclude negotiations.

The AFRICITIES summit brings together central and local governments, NGOs, private sector, research and training institutions, international organisations and development agencies. It is the most important platform for dialogue on political and practical aspects of decentralisation in Africa and looks for the best solutions to develop African cities. Organised by the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) with the support of the national association of local governments of Morocco and the government of Morocco, this fifth triennial summit builds on the success of those held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (1998), Windhoek, Namibia (2000), Yaoundé, Cameroon (2003) and Nairobi, Kenya (2006).

To read the programme, just clik here