London. DSA meeting: Interrogating the New Urban Agenda

Hosted by International Institute ofEnvironment and Development (IIED),The Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) of UCL and Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Detailed Agenda

The DSA Urbanisation and
Development Group invites researchers and practitioners to a day workshop to
discuss and interrogate the recently released Zero Draft of the New Urban
Agenda, which is set to shape discussions at Habitat III in Quito in October.
This event will provide an opportunity to identify gaps in the Zero Draft and
also to re-frame certain issues.

The workshop will start with
provocations from key actors involved in the Habitat III discussions so far,
reflecting on the extent to which the three ‘Transformative Commitments’ in the
Zero Draft embody a truly transformative agenda. Then participants will divide
into groups and continue the debate by interrogating particular themes
identified in the Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda. The day will end in
plenary that will provide the building blocks for a response from the DSA group
in advance of the Third Preparatory Committee Meeting for Habitat III at
Surabaya later in July.

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