Right to the City, Barcelona Conference

On the occasion of the 50th year anniversary of the publication of Henri Lefebvre?s ?Right to the City?, we aim to contextualize the Right to Housing under the larger framework of the Right to the City, understanding housing as a basic right that is closely linked to the way in which we interact with our communities, both in an immediate (neighborhood) and a larger scale (city). Today, many cities around the world face situations that threaten the Right to Housing and the livelihoods of our communities.

From the rise of rents to the systematic expulsion of neighbors, we are facing global challenges that have local consequences. Thus, it is fundamental to open up the debate, going across borders to exchange experiences and strengthen the resistance. With this goal in mind, Habitat International CoalitionObservatori DESC and the Global Platform for the Right to the City organize a cycle of conferences to gather different points of view from around the world to discuss what are the main challenges our communities are facing in terms of Right to Housing and to the City.

The events will focus on two main topics: first, gentrification and expulsion of neighbors and, second, the rise of rents and rent control as a potential solution. The idea is to mix a diagnosis of the situation with possible policy solutions and the experience of social movements.

Register here: https://goo.gl/forms/ekxSDcWtIsAqwUXv2